Discover the world of study abroad opportunities as we bring Top Public & Private Universities over 15 countries in a single event! All info from requirement, living costs to scholarships information!. Event is FREE & OPEN FOR PUBLIC!

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PROMO Cashback Kuliah worth IDR 5,000,000 & IELTS Preparation & General English promotion up to IDR 250k!

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Recruited more than 2500+ students to study abroad!


Agency Bersertifikasi & Mendapatkan penghargaan


Centre kami tersebar di 6 kota besar Indonesia.


Penentuan studi jurusan dan ke 15+ Negara.


Memiliki lebih dari 300+ Partners Universitas.


Penentuan bakat scientific dengan ER - Psychometric Test®


Kelas persiapan dan IELTS Official Testing Services


Telah mengurusi student visa ke 15 negara berbeda!


Kami akan memberikanmu gambaran tentang bagaimana kehidupan sebagai seorang pelajar di luar negeri dan perbandingannya dengan mengenyam pendidikan di negeri asalmu. Melalui penjelasan ini, kamu akan mendapatkan gambaran secara general dan informasi seperti biaya hidup, kewajiban, aturan dan hukum yang berlaku, mata uang, dan lain-lain.

Terdapat banyak destinasi studi yang menarik bagi pelajar Indonesia, seperti Australia, United Kingdom (Inggris), Singapura, Malaysia dan masih banyak lagi. Semua negara tersebut memiliki keunikan dalam hal keuntungan dan kerugian masing-masing. Kami akan memastikan bahwa kamu akan memilih destinasi studi yang paling cocok denganmu!

Dikembangkan oleh Education Republic dan dikombinasikan dengan teori “ Traits & Personality Theory”, test ini sangat akurat sebagai test kepribadian yang mampu memberikan arahan kepada siswa secara professional untuk memilih jurusan yang paling tepat dengan kepribadiannya di universitas. Test ini merupakan test kepribadian pertama yang ada di Batam, Indonesia.

Setelah hasil test kepribadian dikeluarkan, kami akan menganalisa hasil test tersebut dan memberikanmu panduan tentang jurusan yang terbaik untukmu sebelum mengajukan aplikasimu ke universitas.

Kami memberikan bantuan untuk pengajuan aplikasimu ke universitas di luar negeri. Proses aplikasi akan mencakup dari persiapan dokumen, pengisian formulir aplikasi dan penilaian tentang syarat-syarat yang harus dipenuhi.

Proses aplikasi untuk kuliah di luar negeri memerlukan terjemahan formal dari bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa Inggris. Kami akan menyediakan jasa untuk menerjemahkan dokumen-dokumen tersebut sehingga proses aplikasimu akan berlangsung dengan lebih cepat dimana kamu bisa menyalurkan fokus ke persiapan test bahasa Inggrismu.

Kemampuan berbahasa Inggris merupakan syarat yang wajib untuk dipenuhi oleh semua pelajar agar dapat diterima di universitas di luar negeri. IELTS dan TOEFL merupakan kualifikasi berbahasa Inggris yang diterima secara umum. Untuk itu, kami menyediakan program persiapan test IELTS dan TOEFL melalui salah satu divisi kita yaitu English Republic. Program ini dirancang oleh guru-guru lokal di Singapura.

Setelah aplikasi diterima oleh universitas, para pelajar akan diberikan surat penerimaan (offer letter) yang merupakan konfirmasi dari universitas bahwa pelajar udah diterima di universitas tersebut. Kami akan memberi panduan tentang syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku, serta batas waktu untuk membalas surat penerimaan tersebut sesuai dengan yang dicantumkan oleh universitas yang bersangkutan. Kami pun akan menerjemahkan penjelasan yang tertera di surat tersebut dari bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia.

Proses visa pelajar adalah proses yang paling penting dan rumit di antara proses yang lain. Tiap pelajar harus memiliki visa pelajar yang berlaku secara resmi sebelum mengenyam studi di negara yang bersangkutan.Kami akan memberikan panduan professional untuk memperbesar kemungkinan penerimaan aplikasi visa pelajar seperti:
- Melengkapi formulis visa pelajar
- Memeriksa daftar dokumen yang diperlukan untuk pengajuan visa pelajar
- Memastikan semua dokumen yang diperlukan untuk pengajuan visa pelajar telah tersertifikasi
- Mengedit essay untuk pengajuan visa pelajar (case by case)
- Informasi lain mengenai proses pengajuan visa pelajar

Kami akan membantumu untuk mencari akomodasi yang direkomendasi untuk para pelajar. Hal ini akan memudahkanmu dan juga menghilangkan kekhawatiranmu dalam hal mencari property atau tempat tinggal di website luar negeri.

Setelah aplikasi dan visa pelajarmu diterima, kamu sudah siap untuk pergi ke destinasi studimu. Kami pun akan memberikan pengarahan terakhir untuk memastikan supaya kamu ada gambaran dengan area sekitar universitasmu disaat kamu sampai di negara tujuanmu dan pada hari pertamamu di universitas.

Kami akan tetap menjaga komunikasi denganmu selama satu minggu dalam masa awal studimu untuk memastikan bahwa kamu dapat mengatasinya dengan baik. Bukankah ini suatu hal yang baik ketika kamu tahu ada seseorang yang masih menemanin kamu ketika kamu sendiri berada di negeri orang?

Ada masa dimana kamu menginginkan perubahan lingkungan setelah kamu menghabiskan beberapa waktu di sebuah negara, dan itu bisa berarti kampus baru, kota baru atau jurusan baru. Kami akan tetap melayani kebutuhanmu dengan membantumu melakukan transfer ke universitas lain atau bahkan ke negara lain!


Lusiana Sujatmiko

Kaplan Singapore

Education Republic was so helpful and informative. Without them i cannot get into the university this fast!

Sally Tay

Raffles Design Institute (SG)

Very responsive & reliable all the time and handled both my brother and my application.

Firnaz Luztian

James Cook University

10/10 rating buat Education Republic. Layanan sangat cepat dan up to date!

Tania Tanny

Grenoble Ecole De Management

The services rendered by Education Republic is very satisfying.
My advisor was very focused on my needs, genuine attention and also very efficient in updating me the application progress.
I was able to get in the program on time, thank you!

Brian Harrison

University of Sydney - Taylors College

From the start, ER has been very helpful with me in the process of applying to the multiple universities. Particularly at the start with Ko Jacob showing me the multiple choices I could choose from, where he did not limit the choices to their partner universities. Ce Leny took care of most of the processes; for the most part, she has done her job very well, looking up answers when she found me asking some complicated questions. Due to the large amount of students applying through ER however, the progress near the end was somewhat slow, however in the grand scheme of things are still good.

Laeticia M.C

Singapore Institute of Management

ER made it so much easier for me entering into SIM because they are very prepared to tackle potential problems that may come along the way. They have been nothing but kind and patient towards me and I’m very grateful to get their help.

Daniel Teh

University of Leicester, UK

Education Republic is one of the outstanding Education Agent in Indonesia. It provides neutral selection of courses & Universities to students.
Ms Rafika from ER has helped in guiding me in choosing what i really want to ensure i have chosen the right Master program!

Recommended Choice.

Kelly Netanya Pramono

Ryerson University, Toronto - Canada

Study Abroad Preparation with Education Republic Bali praktis dan memuaskan, karena dari pertama udah dibimbing melalui Psychometric Test dan juga di arahkan mau kuliah dimana dan negara apa. Semua yang membantu super baik dan cepat tanggap, jadinya nyaman ketika berkomunikasi dengan Education Republic. IELTS Preparation and Study Abroad Application juga ga perlu pusing karena semua proses dan data yang dibutuhkan langsung dikerjakan oleh pihak Education Republic, jadi tugas kita cuman kirim data aja. Recommended banget yang mau study abroad, bisa langsung contact @educationrepublic yaa

Fatmala Sari Oktaviani

University of Birmingham, UK

My journey to studying at the University of Birmingham was like a roller-coaster ride. Starting from applying to the university, having to defer my study due to the Covid-19 pandemic, to applying for a UK Visa, Education Republic has always been by my side. Thank you!


Kaplan Singapore (UCD)

Usaha Education Republic yang pantang menyerah dan konsisten sampai saya dapat student pass dan kuliah di Singapore. Thank you very much ER!

Cassandra Abigail Evandy Winarto

University of Washington, USA

Education Republic is a great place to rely on when moving to another country for your studies, they’ve helped me in starting my journey and giving a good start to my education in the U.S. The people in Education Republic always stay in touch and help in keeping track of the things you’ll need, giving an easier way to go about moving to your desired country. They are full of great people that does not hesitate to help you in every single step of your move. My move has been very smooth and relaxing due to their help and I hope for everyone to have a good experience like me, this is the place to go!


National College of Ireland

Hi, I’m Jovinsky, a Master of Human Resource Management student at National College of Ireland.

Last year, in 2021, I decided that I wanted to go to Ireland to pursue my studies. However, I had a lot of doubts and questions in my mind. I actually tried to apply to the college by myself but the admission representative told me that they prefer if I could contact an agent as it would be difficult to apply by myself. At first, I thought it would be troublesome as none of the agents were from my city, Makassar, other than the famous agent X. I contacted them but it was all over the place, they redirected me to different branches and ended up never really giving any attention to my application.

Then, I decided to contact Education Republic despite the branch being in Batam, they helped me so thoroughly and patiently. All I did was follow their instructions. There were no costs at all (other than the shipping cost of the visa) and no hassle at all.

Back then, everything was done online but everything went very well. All the briefings and preparations were perfectly done. They were very friendly to me, especially Ko Jacob. He helped me a lot by clearing my doubts, applying for the college, applying for the visa and my flights until I arrived in Dublin. Even after a while in Dublin, he was still checking up on me.

I tried 3 different agents, but Education Republic was the one that was genuinely trying to help and support me. I am really glad now that I am given the chance to study in Ireland. I met a lot of new friends, got a part-time job and had so many amazing experiences that I can’t imagine without.

Janice Faylyn Tantri

Coventry University, UK

Terima kasih ke Education Republic krn membantu pendaftaran universitas dari rumit menjadi mudah sekali.
ER bisa dibilang sangat friendly dari pengurusan awal sampai saya udah di Coventry University, UK. Di setiap langkah mereka selalu update dan temenin aku. Terima kasih Education Republic!

Dyantha Hendranata Putri

Coventry University, UK

I was in need of an agent when my friend suggested Ko Jacob from Education Republic. He was very welcoming and nice, and went out of his way to help me from start to finish; my application to Coventry University.

He even helped me with my accommodation, parents’ visa application, general unrelated inquiries, and stayed patient when I did not understand the procedure. Overall, i’m very much thankful for him and his team for helping me even months after I started studying in the University.

Thanks Education Republic!

Michelle Pan

Queen Mary, University of London

I would like to recommend Education Republic to all aspirants who dream to the UK for higher education. Like me choosing to study my Master
in Queen Mary, University of London. I am extremely thankful to Education Republic as she supported and having patience in clarifying my doubts during the whole process from start till end of the process. Thank you for making my dream come true!

Joshua Tanri

PSB Academy, Singapore

When I decided to change my school, I didn't know which one to pick or which school was good. The student counsellor from Education Republic helped me narrow down to PSB Academy.

It was hard to get into it as there was a lot of processing and a chance of me not being able to get in but once ER step in and help me, everything got easier as they settled everything on his own and got me into school in no time. The documents was all sent on time and everything worked out.

I am very thankful for the services of Education Republic to help me get into another school and a change for me to continue studying!

Justine Tan

NAFA, Singapore

First of all, I want to study in NAFA for so long because of my cousin. Since I want to study there, mom finally told me about this education company, namely Education Republic.

Friendly staffs like Ko Jacob and Ce Leny, they are so helpful and they gave me easy ways to enrol and study in NAFA. Very recommended for all students who would like to study abroad in the future!

Stanley Wijaya

Asia Pacific University, Malaysia

The schedule is well structured, and Teachers/Mentors did a great job at improving my understanding of IELTS. The staffs did a good job finding me a suitable university, staffs are also very kind!

Jessica Quan

University of Melbourne, Australia

Studying overseas has always been one of my biggest dreams. But the process always seems a little dreading to me. Thankfully, Education Republic was there to help me sort things out!

Felix Anderson

UCSI University, Malaysia

The teachers are humble, taught me passionately, leaving no room for confusion or doubt. Did everything they can and always give explanations fully detailed.

ER helped a lot starting from recommendations to wide choices of universities and in majors, guiding step by step in every applicable forms or datas that is a must to fill in, and in any way possible of helping.

Ni Luh Srisaka Utami

Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan

I had some struggles finding a university until I met Education Republic. It was very pleasant when they provided compelete information about the school and the necessary documents from the beginning until departure.

Jocelyn Yap

NAFA, Singapore

Menurut saya, ER sangat trusted and recommended. Mereka telah membantu saya menyarankan jurusan yang cocok dengan saya, kemudian juga sangat membantu dalam hal pendaftaran dan keberangkatan.

Semua dokumen yang disarankan untuk disiapkan pun lengkap. Bahkan mereka membantu kami juga ketika sudah sampai di SG apa saja yang harus dilakukan agar kami tidak kebingungan. Mereka juga selalu menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan kami dengan jelas.


NAFA, Singapore

It was overall a great experience. I learned a lot of tips and tricks in answering the IELTS questions. The teacher is also very nice and caring towards the students. All in all, it was good.

The staffs were very kind and helpful in the procedure. Everything was explained in a detailed manner. They also helped out until the very end which I am very grateful of.

Heidya Karen Usman

Taylor's University, Malaysia

The IELTS preparation was helping me to understand what is IELTS and how are we going to do the test. Although it was a very short time through the session, I can understand the materials quickly. The teacher explained it well and clearly. She assessed us and give us the correct thing to do. We also had an interaction with classmates to practice our speaking.

I am very grateful to have a loving and caring counselor. Even though I'm a bit reserved they still reach me out to always ask me questions comfortably. They were helping me to choose a university until I got one. They were also helping me with all my documents and packed them on one map so I can well-prepared before I go to the university. I will never regret joining this agent.

Felicia Calista

Asia Pacific University, Malaysia

At first, I was at lost at what to do or to prepare for studying abroad in Malaysia. But thanks to Education Republic, a lot of my doubts and confusion regarding college are all cleared up.

They helped us solve a lot of complicated matter and patiently guide through the process from the start until finish. Hence, I am very grateful for choosing Education Republic as agents.

Vincent Adinugraha Ludya

Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne

With the help Education Republic's efforts now I'm able to pursue my dream of living abroad and study in Melbourne, Australia.

Choosing Australia and the right university was not an easy journey. I have to work hard towards applying and passing requirements.

Heri Fernando

Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan

Education Republic sangat membantu saya dalam memilih universitas dan program studi yang sesuai dengan minat saya, juga sangat membantu saya dalam proses aplikasi kuliah dan proses administrasi lainnya, seperti proses visa, akomodasi dan beasiswa.

Menurut saya Education Republic sangat recommended bagi orang yang ingin kuliah ke luar negeri.

Michelle Chan

UCSI University, Malaysia

Have IELTS Prep Course in ER, it was a good choice that I deciced this year. I met professional teacher that teach and support me during IELTS Prep Course. ER service for study abroad provide a lot of information and useful for who still haven't decided where to study, also the service have professional qualifications, so let ER help you with all the documentation.

My personal experience during courses in ER was amazing. The teachers and services were very kind and always in your side when you confuse about your decision, course and major.


Asia Pacific University, Malaysia

The preparation was exhausting but the team make it quick eventhough there's a small mistake, but ce Sohar was very patient so she make everything easier. They also make the journey fun and do it perfectly. They solve every problem until finished completely. My visa also arrived quickly until 100%.

Feretty Cyndi

NAFA, Singapore

Education Republic staff are all so friendly and fun at the same time. So when I took IELTS prep course, I didn't feel so stress about the exercise that I had to do. Even though the course was difficult but they always managed to encourage us. I had fun learning with them and no regrets. I'll definitely recommend Education Republic to people around me!

The services everything was well-organized. I asked quite a lot of things regarding the university that I want to apply, but they were still patiently fast responding my messages. I'm so surprised that they didn't take any fee for the services.

Joan Han

Singapore Institute of Management, Singapore

Good services, very coordinated.

Jannell Luvyana

Singapore Institute of Management, Singapore

The courses are all easy to understand, and I'm satisfied with my IELTS score. Education Republic really helps me from the beginning of my application until the end, they also prepared all the documents that are needed for my application and student pass.

Ayeesha Ramadana Yondri

Asia Pacific University, Malaysia

Everything is well done, and give a lot of tips for me I can visit new place as well knowing more culture.

Mei Yuin

Academia Institute, Melbourne

It was unexpectedly amazing got to experience IELTS prep course and it helps me to grown my English skills in a short time. At first I thought I'm not going to pass the test because all my friends said it's nearly possible to pass, but luckily I passed with a really good score. Also love the teacher that taught us full of patience.

It was an easy processed, was perfectly organized for the beginning until the end. ER staff also helped me with a lot of stuff and helped me to understand most of things about study abroad.


Singapore Institute of Management, Singapore

The course was well-structured, covering all aspects of the exam and providing me with the skills and strategies. The teachers were knowledgeable, approachable, and dedicated to helping me achieve my goals.

They provided me with attention and feedback, which was immensely helpful in identifying areas for improvement. ER provided me with detailed information about the programs, and visas, making the application process smooth and stress-free. ER always available to answer my questions and concerns and provided me with valuable advice and support. The team was knowledgeable, professional, and enthusiastic about helping me make a decision. They understand my goals and interests, and worked to find the perfect program and location for me.

I would highly recommend them to anyone considering studying abroad, as they are truly experts in their field, and their commitment to helping students achieve their goals.

Nandra Diva Gracella

Taylor's University, Malaysia

Untuk ER aku mau berterimakasih banget karena udah ngebantuin proses aku sampai bis ake Taylor's Uni. Aku ngira di awal kayanya gak bisa masuk sini karena ada beberapa problem yang menyangkut dataku, tapi semuanya bisa ditangani oleh mentor-mentor ER.

So happy bisa dibantu dengan ER. Kakak-kakak yang bantuin aku di ER semuanya super baik dan fast respon. Sukses selalu ER!


Asia Pacific University, Malaysia

ER improved my English, and helped me to prepare for the IELTS test. And while studying in ER, I also had fun. The mentor was great, and the class was fun and lively. ER has been helping me in studying abroad, giving informations about the university, the conditions around it, and even helped me prepare the documents needed for studying abroad.

Valencia Tania

UCSI University, Malaysia

At first, I didn;t know much about IELTS test for studying abroad. However, Education Republic provided all the useful information I needed in great detail. The preparation and learning process of IELTS are also carried out in great detail and structured. The teachers are also very friendly and experienced, so I find it very helpful to achieve the required IELTS score.

All staff are very friendly and humble in helping with searches and enrollment at foreign universities. The information provided is also very detailed and through, so I feel really helped by them. Apart from that, the staff are also very pleasant and fast response, so there won't be any miss for the information and enrollment process from the beginning till the end.

Priscillia Pandinata

NAFA, Singapore

Easy to read and access information about majors and universities, helpful tips with portfolio, convenience in applying and enrollment, help with document listing and document printing and translation when going abroad.

Gheofanny Handoyo

NAFA, Singapore

ER provided me with detailed information and scholarships, student pass, etc and was very helpful throughout the entire application process. I asked quite a lot they still responded quickly to my messages.

And thank you Ce Leny, Ce Merry, Kak Aldi for helping me from the start. I would highly recommend ER to anyone considering studying abroad.

Sherly Herwanto

NAFA, Singapore

Very helpful for you if you want to study abroad, the counsellor is very fast resp.

Viorenza Septania Hannata

NAFA, Singapore

Very helpful!


INTI International College Subang, Malaysia

Education Republic helped me a lot study abroad. They helped me from the beginning, from consultation, registration until I arrived to my destination country, Thank you so much!


Sunway College

First of all, I want to thank koko Jacob who really helped me from the start until I was accepted by my university! It's really nice to feel welcome, and here jacob really helps me well and very patient to always inform me about upgrading at Univ! Thank you very much Ko Jacob, and I also did my IELTS preparation in ER there. The teachers are very kind, humble and always motivates me so that I can achieve the target that I want! Anyway, it's really nice to know Education Republic and Ko Jacob! Thankyou guys for all the supports!!

Julienne Adwin

University of Nottingham Ningbo China

Education Republic has done a great job in helping me to find the right school. They’ve been giving me all the information I needed to move to another country and adapt to my new environment.

They’ve always responded fast and given updates which makes me more sure to trust them to help me find the right path for my future. I’m grateful to find this agency and trust them to help me move abroad.i


SOAS University of London

Education Republic was really helpful to help me preparing my study in the UK! Credit to Aldi who was friendly and patiently explaining everything to my questions related to visa and study.

Josquin Josephus Jonazh

Asia Pacific University

The service was some of the best I could ever receive, the agent, kak Livia was very nice and helpful to me. Even after months since I contacted her she still messaged me to ask about my uni application, she helped me gather my documents for the visa and streamlined the entire process. Every step of the way she helped me out from my application to getting my single entry visa and for that I am very grateful.

Claudia Marchella Siswanto

William Angliss Institute Melbourne

I'm so grateful because meet Education Republic that so helpful for making my wish came true, especially for Ko Jacob and miss Sara who help me a lot in every detail needs from IELTS preparation, CV, and after my student visa granted, they're still make sure for the pre departure. Once again thank you Education Republic! One of the best decision i choose ER become my agent to study abroad. Love Education Republic team.

Herlina Enjelika

Evolution Hospitality Institute

I found your study abroad services to be incredibly helpful and efficient. The guidance provided was comprehensive, and the team was always responsive to any queries or concerns. Thanks to your assistance, i highly recommend your services to anyone considering studying abroad.

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